Oops, I've done it again

Another year, another attempt at a blog to voice my unhinged thoughts from. But these kinds of posts suck and no one in their right mind would want to read it anyway so lets get onto a somewhat more interesting topic.

The How

I spend my days dealing with recalcitrant computers numbering in the thousands. The last thing I want to do when I'm relaxing at home is more of the same. When it comes to my personal infrastructure, if you can call it that, I want as little thinking, typing, and overhead as possible.

In the context of this blog that attitude lead me directly to 11ty. With just a shade of HTML/CSS, and some Markdown (my preferred format for writing) I can make a blog that's light on its feet and free to host - once again courtesy of Digital Ocean's App Platform. The irony here is despite my latent hatred of Javascript and the fact my site doesn't use it, 11ty uses a shitload of it! But that's all hidden from the site itself, and used only to create the static pages so no harm done.

Anyway editing Markdown files in vim for my minimal blog is starting to make me cringe at myself a bit. So, bye for now and maybe I'll post something else later?